Astro Life Sutras
T: 91-9821820026

We live in a quick-fix culture. We want instant results with nominal pain, exertion, and sacrifice. When it comes to our destiny and luck, we’re habituated to looking for a Pooja (done by Pundits) and totke, and many astrologers are quick to prescribe them. But if the root cause of the problem or challenge is not addressed, these treatments can simply mask the underlying issue, leading to more of the same – a sadistic cycle. Certain astrological remedies are often necessary and life-improving.
However, without accompanying lifestyle changes, these remedies may be minimally effective, if at all. More important, many issues can be solved simply by lifestyle changes alone.
Through this page, we are trying to discuss the root cause of the different life problems like career, children, marriage, and health etc. And share remedies of those problems in the course of Astrological knowledge. Astrology is not a subject of blind faith. Jyotish has the combination of science and divine forces. We just need to work on it.
If you are Jyotish lover, this place is best for you to learn
basic astrology online. You can participate in different level of Astrological quizzes. You can read articles of experienced and learned astrologer. Don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel and this website for regular astrological updates.
We offer online Jyotish classes of different astrological subject like
Vedic Jyotish
Ashtakvarga Course
Nakshatra Course
Horary (Prashna Kundali)
Varsha Kundali
Advance Techniques of Predictions
Fundamentals of Astrology
Krishnamurthy Paddati etc.
For more information click here