In the context of the youtube video on 91st Navamsa, I had a Case ,where in , the girl is born on 26.06.2017 at 17:45:59 IST in Bangalore city, India. In lagna kundali, the planet (jupiter) is in 11th house of scorpio lagna and is not placed in 7th house of Navmansa ( rather in 4th house, which is now 88th Navamsa), so will we apply the second rule mentioned in the video ?,which says, take 7th house lord of Navamsa I.e Mercury ( in given Case) , and see where it is placed in Lagna chart. So by following the above rule, I see that in the given case, Mercury is placed in 8th house in own Gemini sign, conjucted with lagna and 6th house Mars and 10th lord Sun . Also lord of 11th house. Additionally aspecting 2nd house in lagna kundali.
How will it result ? Will the financial situation still be good ? and what career field would offer good source of income ? Would it be also good for own business ?
Please guide..

@Divyansh Jain @smitagupta0503 @Jyoti aggarwal
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